make sure to leave suggestions of new snake slang to add to the list!

Danger noodle = snake that will bite, or a dangerous snake

Boop Noodle = Ball Python!

Nope ropes = snakes you don't want to go near

snek = snakes

cober = cobra

shake snake = rattlesnake

slippery tube dudes = aquatic snakes such as anaconda

hazard spaghetti = dangerous snakes that stay in groups and doggy pile

spicy noodles = red albino snakes

caution ramen = anaconda

murdur spagurder = coral snake

big thicc boy = big snakes such as Burmese python

slim boy = Asian vine snake and other weird skinny snakes

judgmental shoelace = Asian vine snake

uggo but still luvo snek = Arabian sand boa

screaming worm boi = Imia's blind snake

lovely noodle ball = Ball Python

Danger sprinklers = spitting cobra (this is a suggested name)

have any ideas? feel free to share! OwO