Presently do not have any pet snakes but have several resident black snakes under the house and in various outbuildings who seem to co-exist quite nicely. One being close to ten feet long. They keep the field mouse issue to a minimum. Subsequently in the 10 years we have been in residence I have never put poison out just trapped the mice humanely and relocated them. Not an issue when my buddies are not hibernating and doing a splendid job of mouse control.

With winter in full swing, I have had to up my trapping to keep the mice from getting into places I don't desire them to be, farmhouse included. I had been driving them a few miles away and releasing them, but with the freezing night temp's it is pretty much a death sentence to relocate them.

Not knowing any fellow snake lovers to offer them to, trying to verify if they would even be viable meals for any constrictors out there. I am located between Fredericksburg and Richmond (Bowling Green) and would be willing to assist in their transportation.

Appreciate the help,