Hey all, thanks for any help and guidance. Before I start just let me say I've had my ball python for years and I know that I shouldn't be live feeding. I KNOW that. Any research I've done on this issue I now have, devolve into a discussion about feeding live. I feed live, I know thats not ideal, please don't shame me or write anything about how I shouldn't be feeding live, it is what it is at this point I know I need to start going frozen.

That said...

My snake got scratched in the eye by a rat on my last feeding. There was some blood around the eye immediately but luckly I don't think it got the eye to bad. This happened on Thursday today's Tuesday almost a week later and it looks relatively good I think compared to other pictures I've seen of people pythons who have got hit in the eye. The photos I attached were just taken a few moments ago. From a side view you can barely see anything but straight on you can see some signs of trauma on the top side of the eye

Looking at it tonight I want to either get this thing to a vet or atleast put an eye safe ointment on it to help prevent infection. I Know a good step would be to get just newspaper in its tank and get the substrate out.. Ive never had the snake to a vet from what I researched from where I am in the Hudson Valley NY its like a 2 hour drive bith ways to get to a herp vet.

Any thoughts?

