So I have a juvenile ball python I got from a reputable breeder that I trust. She was born this year, and is about a foot or so. Her name is Delilah. She is friendly when she wants to be, and I've had her 4 weeks now, so a month, and she is having some issues.

For one, she has yet to poop or urate. I have been checking the bedding constantly. I've given her 4 meals now, and no poop or urates. She doesn't appear swollen or anything, and I've given her 3 baths now with no success. She doesn't act uncomfortable. She also just had her first shed, sort of. She is flaking in pieces and after her baths I've used Repti Shedding Aid from Zoo Med and a qtip to get pieces of the skin off but shes all flaky and she won't sit still long enough for me to get the shed off. It's all flaked around her eyes and nose. She's been flaky for 4 days now. She's a great eater, on fuzzies as of right now. Any ideas?

Her setup is a 40 gallon with cypress mulch bedding, hides, sticks, and a large water dish that she can totally soak in but hasn't. She has a 60 watt bulb that we leave on with a night setting, and 2 heat matts, one is 17 watts and the other is 3 watts. Her temps and humidity are fine.

She's a normal morph and a female.

What should I do?