On August 18th our baby California Kingsnake arrived, we set her in her enclosure (40 gallon but we have Alot of stuff inside for her) the warm side is around 87 and the cool side is 78-75. We have tried feeding her frozen mice 3 times without luck, each time she went up to the mouse and put her face on it but did not strike, the first time I thought she didnt strike from the tongs so the next time I left it inside for a couple of hours, she had slithered over the mouth after viewing it and the third time (last night) we decided to leave the mouse in overnight and I was really hoping she would go after it and it would be gone in the morning, but im leaving it inside for a bit longer since we have a cam on her it showed she was asleep in the same spot the entire night so I think she might not even know theres a mouse there but im wondering if anyone has any ideas of how to get her to eat? She wanders around alot doing frequent tongue flicks so I would figure that she is hungry. Should I try live or scenting? and how would I scent it, ik that they are lizard eaters so im thinking of scenting it with an anole but how would I do that? Please I just want to get her to eat