Helloooo snek forum, newly registered user here who needs some advice for a project!

I have a juvenile corn snake (a year old in exactly five days!) for whom I have just purchased a new, adult-sized enclosure, made-to-order from the breeder who sold her to me, and I'm working on getting new hides and deco together for when it arrives. I've decided on a theme that I really want, but the problem is that there's precious little deco available that works for it. Given the popularity of the Legend of Zelda franchise, you'd think there would be more stuff available, but nope; I've found exactly one thing that would have been appropriate for a reptile terrarium, and it's extremely expensive. (A Sheikah Shrine hide; it looks amazing, but it's about $140 CAD, and I don't have that kind of cash to spare for a single deco/hide item right now.)

So, since there's practically nothing available commercially that suits my purposes, the obvious solution is to make my own. However, I don't know what kind of materials would be safe to use for making hides and decorations. I want to make my own Sheikah Shrine hide:


sans glow, I wouldn't even know where to begin with something like that,

The Master Sword in its pedestal:


Goddess statues:


and Silent Princess flowers:


To name a few. (Looking into a waterfall water dish as well, but I'd be buying that, not making it, so that's another matter entirely) The statues and the shrine would probably have to be made of some kind of clay, I would imagine; I'm accustomed to using Sculpey, but is that reptile safe? Moreover, what type of sealant would be safe to use on it? I can't imagine the floor polish I use on most of my work would be at all safe for my snake. I have no idea at all what I could use to make the flowers.

It's something of an ambitious project, but it's the theme I really want for my snake's enclosure. If it can't be done safely, I'll scrap it and figure out something else, since her safety and happiness are much more important than aesthetics, but I'm hoping it can be done and to get some good advice on how to go about it.

Thanks in advance to everyone who can help me out!