Dogs are natural carnivores like stated above and only eat plant matter in times of famine. My dog Atlas will literally eat anything including foods that are posinous given the oppertunity, that being said i obviously don't let her. You cab probably achieve a vegan diet for your dog with a little effort but obviously that's not the way nature intended so who knows the long term health effects. Dogs need iron and protein just like we do and the best source for those vitamins are meat. The long term effects of most supplements have not been studied too long so who knows if there's underlined issues that could arise from taking those vitamins away naturally and replacing artificially. If you want the best health for your animal i would not cut out meat entirely maybe just feed it less. We all have the power to decide what we eat and that's a wonderful liberty i don't think we as pet owners should rob that liberty from our pets to fit our own life style choices. I know you stated your against it so please don't think im knocking anyone's personal choices cause i believe humans that eat vegan are typically very healthy i just don't see it working in the animals best interest. Whatevef you decide best of luck and let us know how it turns out.

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