With the new year having came around, I finally decided it was time to listen along to my family and re-arrange my room. Apparently, I had much more wasted space than I originally thought, because with this sudden new cleaning, I had space to finally set up the extra 20gal stand that I had laying around collecting dust. Of course, now that I have the space, I just HAVE to use it! Doing some basic research, I have really begun to fall in love with Rosy and Sand boas, though even through comparing many of the pros and cons of each I still am unsure of which I should pick. I really wanted to see, from other keepers especially, what they personally prefer, and which have been more fun to care for. Along with this, I was curious if anyone had any other ideas for species I might have fun keeping in a 20gal, since it is a limited space. So far I have figured out the enclosure setup of both species by googling around online and seeing some old threads, but I was curious if anyone had some updated info to look at.