So Mia seemed to be doing great and all of a sudden hit a wall.... She did not eat for over 2 months. No matter what she was offered, she refused. She did fine for a while, was acting normal just did not want to eat. (we thought she was a big young to go on a hunger strike or a fast or whatever it was she was doing)

After about 9 weeks my son notice that she had lost 12g. Now we were not sure if 12g was a lot or not, but my son was concerned so he made a dr. appt. for her and he took her in. Vet could not find anything wrong with her at all. No mites, nothing wrong in her mouth....he said she actually looked in really good shape and had we not said that she had lost weight he would have thought all was good with her.

He spent some time going over her enclosure, temps etc with my son and all seemed to be ok (according to vet).

The vet wormed her and said there was also a small appetite stimulant added in and told us if she didn't eat in 2 weeks to bring her back in.

Well, 3 days later she ate. I called and cancelled her appt. assuming she would be ok and go back to normal. Well, that was it, she hasn't eaten again since then.

This weekend will be 2 weeks since her last meal. She strikes at it, misses and then gets "huffy" and actually will turn her head sideways and slither away if you show it to her again.
(it's almost like "woa'as me.... i missed now i'm gonna have a tude" type thing)
Last night he tried again and she completely ignored it and didn't even attempt to strike.

So we are a bit concerned on her new eating habits and not sure how long to let her go again before taking her back in.

She is 1 yr and 8 months old now. She is acting totally normal other than not eating.

Thanks in advance for any advise.