I started off feeding my girl a large mouse every 5th day. A few weeks ago I decided to go to a small rat instead, and she took it without any issues. It was a pretty good meal for her, she went into her warm hide and spent most of the week in there, so I decided to wait 7 days before offering again. By then she was showing signs that she was going into shed and didn't want to eat. I humanely killed the rat and froze it. 2 days later she shed and the next day I tried to offer her the f/t rat but she didn't seem interested. I'm guessing it was because it wasn't live, but I wanted her to eat so the next day I offered a live large mouse and she took it. Question is should I go to a small rat every 7-10 days or stay with a large mouse every 5. She is just under 300 grams right now.