
I could really use some advice from long-time owners. I've had my girl for 2 years + now and this is the first time I've had her go on a fast that has lasted longer than 2 months. She hasn't lost significant weight and I would say she is fully grown at this point (besides obviously the potential of gaining weight). I am frustrated because I really want her to eat...I know it's not super abnormal but I thought it was more Winter months that caused fasting but she has decided to go into a Spring fast...maybe getting ready for bikini season?? jk seriously though wondering if I should try switching back to mice to entice her or try smaller rats to see if she's just not loving the size.

Usually a strong eater and I almost know instantly if she will eat or not - never has she eaten a rat left in her cage - if she's hungry she strikes within a minute - I've tried waiting and trying again in a few hours later and then eventually I just leave the rat in there to be thrown out the next morning. I don't think she's eaten since February. I really want to take her out and inspect her and handle her but I've been bit before so I usually like to feed her and then handle her after she's eaten...might just pull her out this week as I don't see her roaming and the bite before was due to a feeding error (transporting to another feed tank/scent in the room) F/T in med. - cage feeding with tongs.
