I had a situation like this once, same same .. but different... with my Spell, she hit the rat (live) and killed it, and when I checked in on her i saw she had begun trying to swallow the rat from the butt 1st (what a freak I panicked and wanted to disturb her so she would not chock or something, I sat there for the next hr or so waiting to see what she would do. sure enough she spat the rat out and began to eat it head first.

so no need for human interference from me ..Except to put the rat in with her and let her do her thing. other times she hit the rat, killed it and didnt eat it - i used to feed in a seperate enclousere - I'd put the dead rat in her enclosure and she would eat it by time i check on her next day. sense i moved to my rack system i have had no real issues rn with her feeding, she is about 1300gs tho so more mature but things happen, she been off food last month n now she back at it.. so I do hope your snake gets back to pounding them rodents like my hollow does .. that’s my garbage disposal lol.
my point is they know what they want and how to survive, with proper husbandry and lil love they grow like bamboo and we get to enjoy them even more when we know they are healthy.