-36x18x18 Exo Terra (40 gal)
-Ball Python Snake Bioactive Kit

So I am going for it with the bio active setup. I really dig the BioDude setup, because it has no drainage layer. This is all coming in soon and I have not been able to find the microfauna locally. Online I am also having trouble. I found some on Amazon: Springtails (Mixed) (8oz) and Dwarf Purple Isopods (25 QtY).

So my questions are:

Would that be enough to seed my vivarium?

Could this be enough to make my own cultures AND seed my vivarium?

What purpose would I have to make my own cultures or what other purposes are there?

The reason I am interested in making my own cultures is because I have been having such a hard time finding them for a decent price. Just not sure what I might need them for in the future.

I am going to put in the substrate, mix in moss, mix in bioshot (microbial supplement and organic fertilizer for bioactive vivariums), add leaf litter, place plants, add decoration, and add microfauna. How long should I wait to add herp?

Any advice would also be appreciated.