Ok, so ive had honeybee for about a month now, and she seems attached to my uncle. I have picked her up before and let her explore, she seemed fine until she went up to my leg and bit me,(that problem has been tooken care of) anyway, i dont know why, but im still afraid of getting bit, I know, it doesnt even hurt, I think its the surprise of getting bit, and that i dont want to hurt her.( Shes big, about 3 1/2 feet) So i tried to take her out of her cage one day, and she wouldnt let me, she went up in a ball. My uncle took her out and she was just fine. But i can sit down a little away fro her, and she avoids me . It really hurts to me, because I have always wanted a ball python, and she wont even let me pick her up. But she lets my uncle. Also, I really dont know why im afraid of a bite when i have already been bitten out of a feeding response. I know, this is probably one of the dumbest posts, but plz help!