Just like most crested gecko keepers, I get worried that my young cresties are not eating. Of course, you can monitor for feces in the enclosure..if they eat, they poo.

I used to rub a little food on the cresties' nose to see if it would lick it off.

After seeing a video of someone else doing this, I must agree that it is one of the best ways to make sure the young cresties are eating. From what I have seen so far, feeding like this frequently helps the cresties calm down too.

You can pick up a medicine syringe at any drug store (CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, etc.).

I mix Pangea powder feed at a 1 part food mix to 3 part water when I feed with the syringe. For two reasons, (1) it is easier to get it into the syringe (2) higher water content is better incase they are dehydrated for some reason.

I posted the video on my instagram page at the following link: