If I didn't have to work as often, I'd have a husky or German shepherd. I'd be working with either of them to teach them show-tricks just for the fun of it.

Would I be successful? Heck if I know. But I think the training alone would be fun for the puppy. Most dogs have such a drive to please their owner. It saddens me when people don't get that.

In this case, though, I'd say it's the equivalent to the horse owners around Lexington.

There are a huge majority of horse owners who own horses and farms just to SAY they own them. They don't do anything with them except have the horses stalled. It's so disturbing to me.

I don't get the culture of owning just for the sake of owning. I relish in the thought of utilizing an animal to its potential. Perhaps only to show it off, yes, but the joy between pet and owner of doing something together seems like such a pleasant way to bond.

Herp Derp