Thanks for the ammunition guys. I don't want to scare him off the idea of ever owning snakes I just think he needs to be more realistic about it. I spoke with him again and used the link above and a few other photos to demonstrate my concern. Talked about his dog too... she is very old and he made the comment of not wanting another pet until she has passed on and that he still wants an anaconda just later down the road when he can afford one. I went ahead and did the numbers on how much it would cost to keep one when it has gotten to a good size. And what kind of cleanup he gets to look forward to. He was under the assumption that this was a "low maintenance" pet... I may have won this battle. Hopefully he can break this barrier he has with the little snakes and work his way up, actually learn what's involved with keeping snakes. Like I just don't get to dangle a rat every week or two and call it good. There's a bit more too it lol.