Sadly this is going to be a very sad posting.
We recently rescued a large (13+ ft) Green Anaconda from LIRM (please refer to post in General Herp forum)
We took her to the vet on Nov 23rd. She was examined and diagnosed with mouth rot and severe resperitory infection. We have been treating her daily with antibiotics and a daily scrub down.
Sadly as we went to take her out of her quarenteen enclosure for her daily medications we found that she was deceased. She was found with some regurgitated cloth(seems to be a medium sized canvas bag).
So sadly I had to take the heartbraking drive to the vet to enure she no longer had a heartbeat, and to despose of the 106lb boa.
Our vet and I decided to do a necropsy to see if she had ingested any other foriegn material. And low and behold we found a very disturbing object that was somewhat digested. We found an amazing amount of steel wool (yes steel wool, approximately six Brillo pads worth) in her digestive tract.
In a way I am glad she passed away now, as she had obviose internal bleeding which would have led to a much longer and painful death.
I will post pictures of our first vet visit as soon as I can get them uploaded.
Thank you for reading.
In memory of a beautiful Conda,