I personally do not let any animals leave my possession that are not strong, consistent feeders. The odd exception is when a buyer with a great deal of knowledge and experience is willing/requesting to take on a problematic feeder. When that is the case, I only let them leave if I am confident the buyer is capable of providing the extra care for that animal, and only after giving them a complete history on the animal's feeding habits. Once they have all the information, it is up to them to make a decision. I make sure they are fully aware that they will not have any sort of guarantee on the animal. I have only ever had 2 people insist on purchasing an animal that I was not fully prepared to let leave; in both cases the buyer accepted the terms and showed me that they were capable of caring for the animal. Both of those animals are still doing well to this day.

So in my opinion you should never allow an animal to leave your possession that isn't a strong, consistent feeder. However, on a case by case basis, an exception can be made for confidant, responsible herpers.