BAH! I wish my babies would grow already! I have a snow motley who eats ANYTHING I give her. Anything. She would probably eat daily if I let her. However, she is my slowest grower Go figure, right? However, now that she's getting ready to be on hopper mice, she's starting to grow. Man, my bloodred got on hopper mice and now she shooting up like a fricken weed! She went from about 50g to nearly 80 grams in about 2 months. Since I've had her on hopper mice (about a month), she's gone from 60-80g. She's finally growing! She may just be ready for breeding when I expect her to be! I'm really excited for her first clutch because I'm going to be trying to prove her to be het amel (she's a PH amel).

Then there's my normal. She's only on fuzzies and she's already about to surpass my yearling snake (the snow motley)...this normal is was born this year .

Anyway...this is just me venting about weights and how much my little munchkins can drive me crazy!