So we just experienced our first escape attempt. I just did my night check, and everything was fine. Decided to go clean out the rats upstairs since everyone was either asleep or occupied. About 5-10 minutes later I think I hear my husband call me so I pop my head out the door, and see him waiting at the bottom of the stairs looking concerned/peeved. All he says is "come here". Now I'm thinking there's something seriously wrong due to his tone of voice so I follow him into the room at which point he ushers me in and says "take a look". At this point I'm wondering what the heck is wrong. I take a look at the shelf behind the door to find my little 567g girl popped the top open on her bin and was working her way out. Her whole body was on the edge with her head sticking out looking totally innocent! I so wish I got a picture of her cause it was just too cute aside from the fact that she was trying to escape. I grabbed her up to put her back telling her she was a "naughty snake" and such while my husband is giving me the "keep that thing away from me" look. He is such a baby about all my snakes! He will occasionally hold the 1695g male pastel he picked out(I think I need our friend to double check he is in fact a he), but refuses to hold even my smallest bp. She now has extra weight on her bin to prevent further escapes. I can't wait till I get my rack built so this doesn't happen again(at least not so easily).