The GALLERY is active!

The gallery is active and open for use by logged-in members only. You may get to it via the above link (I'll be putting in a link on the toolbar shortly) and then click MY STUFF > MY GALLERY on the toolbar (we'll be tightening that interface soon as well).

In addition to following the links the forum code has been modified to allow you to get to another user's gallery in one of two ways. You can either click their name in a post and then select "Visit username's Gallery" from the drop-down menu, or from any members profile page simply click the link under the Contact section. To use this feature the default style had to be changed - so if you do not see these items you may need to hit the refresh button. If that fails try clearing your browser's cache and cookies (this should not be necessary however). This has been tested under several browsers and operating systems - but please inform us of any difficulties you encounter.

The gallery is set up in much the same hierarchy as the forums - so navigation should be simple. We plan on finding a way to get an alphabetical index (as you see above the member list) added in there as well to ease the Gallery's internal navigation. Additional features will be implemented as we roll along and we'll of course inform you accordingly - but we felt it important to get this feature back ASAP.

To upload just click Upload on the navigation bar and you will see:

Be sure when uploading photos you ONLY select "Member’s Galleries" as your upload destination - selecting either of the contest options will seal your entry. We'll have the contests as well as winners displayed on the homepage back soon as well. In the meantime we hope you enjoy the new features! Your uploads will automatically be placed in your gallery.

There is also a quick upload feature available:

Once in your gallery you can edit, delete, rotate plus a few other new options by accessing the Image Tools drop-down to the upper right of the image selected:

More detailed tutorials will be published as needed in this section.

Thanks for your patience and cooperation everyone!