looks like a fires based on the heads. The color isn't as light as mine, but mine are out of Mike Wilbanks's line. They have the light blushing with a notoriuous dark dot. I haven't seen normals with that.. even dinkers (I could be wrong). Bellies are clear... I'd say fire!

To be honest, I'd pick up these fires over the pewter... unless what I saw in person just didn't give me a strong feeling. but you know how much I love them fires.

FYI- The female to me looks like a decent fire and since she older she has had time to lighten vs the male which is still dark and to me might be questionable JUST based off these pics. Either way a 900 gram female fire is worth more then what you'd pay for both of them. Especially the top female pic! FIRE

I'd just get all three!