The corn snake we adopted has been a blast, to put it simply. She (not sure on gender, just randomly chose she), is active, inquisitive, and extremely docile. She also likes to explore her tank. She likes to climb up the corner and crawl across the lid until she loses her balance and *kerplop* falls into a pile of shavings. Tonight, however, she did something that had me and the wifey doubled over in laughter and amazement.

She started out with her normal "Ooh, I'm awake, its past midnight, time to cruise!" attitude. Then she did something completely different. She climbed up the side of her tank, via the corner per usual behavior, then she proceeded to crawl across the underside of the screen lid. Had she been wedged in the corner, or supporting herself with her tail still on terra firma, I would've chuckled and walked away. However, her entire body was stretched across the top of the cage, with the very tip of her tail in the corner and the rest of her stretched across to the other side. It was really neat watching her crawl across and slowly lose her balance. Is this a normal thing with corns?