I got this girl in the fall. She is a Turkish Angora and was about 6-8 months old. Immediately bonded with the my other cat but she was very thin and had a giardia infection. Fever, dry nose, runny poo, it was a mess that went on for weeks.

After 2 weeks of treatment she was much improved but didn't seem able to tolerate any cheap foods which is common with this breed. I switched her Blue Buffalo and she was just about perfect. After awhile I noticed she was getting constant dark eye boogers and had almost microscopic black specks around her eye lids. Possibly ear mites but her ears were clean. So an additional treatment of Revolution on her and the other cat and the 2 dogs (just to be sure), now she's perfect and even has a pudgy belly from the weight she gained.

She's my favorite pet I've ever had. Incredibly sweet and cuddly. She talks a lot, begs for food, sleeps under the covers, and craves constant attention and love

When I first got her..

And this is pudgy self now. My sister calls her monorail cat because she often lays on the top of the couch with all 4 legs dangling off the sides.

Freya yawn!

On my lap where she usually is if I'm sitting down.