Hi, love the website! I am going to be getting a Sand Boa this month early next month. My first ever snake too, can't wait! But that's not what this thread is about. I have always bred superworms and mealworms since I was a kid. Always were fascicating to see them in their alien(pupa) stage. Now that I have a good paying job and live with my GF(more space) than parents I can get this on the role. I've been playing with doing this for some time. My GF is in the graphics design business so she can make the website and business cards for me and any other stuff like that.

I will be making a rack, several. Alot of tubs for these mealworms. Will be fed on wheat bran so I can sift out the small mealies and carrot/potato for their water source.

Will post pics as I start this.