I saw a video on YouTube on how to make this rack and I love it! It's very easy to make, fairly inexpensive, lightweight, and you can take it apart in minutes.
The finished product, it will cost just under $300 including the flexwatt. I'm still debating on putting sides on the rack, it's nice to be able to see any breeding going on without opening the tub.
What you will need to buy:
You will need two of these shelving units from Home Depot, they are 2x3 feet, and 5 shelves high, $50 each,
2 sheets of 1/8th whiteboard/hardboard, $12 each. You will need to cut them down into 2x3 foot sections, you will use all of them and there will only be 2 small extra pieces.
9 plastic 41qt tubs, I got mine at Walmart, I think they are $8 each
9, 1 foot sections of 12 inch flexwatt $27, with connectors ~$50 (plus shipping), I get mine from Reptile Basics
2 packs of composite window shims, $2 each
link to lowes
And of course tape/screws/etc.
Ok, now for the fun part, building!
Your whiteboard is already cut into 2x3 foot sections, now you need to cut out the corners, just enough to make room for the posts
We clamped several pieces together so it took less cutting. 2x2 inches should be enough, we did 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 to be safe.
Once you have those cut you put them on the underside of the shelf, remember the white board is the lid of your tub. You could put it where the tub sits as well, but it's really not necessary. The way I see it heat rises so there shouldn't be a lot of heat loss.
On the shelf
3 screws down the sides and 2 screws on the front and the back are enough. Just make sure you put the screws on the front next to the posts so your tubs don't rub on them.
Here you can see the screw next to the post on the front side of the rack, your tub will not be that far over, I was just measuring the width I needed.
It's always nice to have helpers