Getting Ready
, 08-30-2010 at 07:37 PM (98008 Views)
I've been wanting to stop smoking for some time now, but not badly enough to do something about it.
In the last few weeks, my company sent out an e-mail about the Great Radiant Smoke Out with a great incentive. If I stop smoking for 1 month - I get 3 months of health benefits for free. If I stop smoking for 2 months - I get 6 months of health benefits for free - and so on, up to a year of free health benefits.
The Smoke Out challenges is currently set to start September 27th, so this also gives me time to get my brain wrapped around the idea. Our health provider is going to provide tools to help us stop - including medication. And we're all assigned a coach (who will also get the free health benefits if we succeed).
Once this journey officially starts - I know I'll be blogging more often, sharing my frustrations, and my successes. I know that my body will thank me for this!