Day Sixteen
, 09-15-2010 at 01:08 AM (2941 Views)
Only lost a half pound this week...which is still progress, but not as well as I know I can do. I'm seriously not feeling well today, but didn't want to skip this entry. Not going to say much, though.
I'm reminding myself that the trials and struggles we go through serve a purpose. They can build us up and make us stronger, so long as we don't give in and give up. I don't always understand the ways I will grow, or how something will make me stronger. I don't always understand HOW to get through without giving up. I just know that I can.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.
- Proverbs 3:5,6
I'm gonna go snuggle under the covers and pray this doesn't turn into a full-blown cold.
-- Judy