State fair 2
, 09-08-2010 at 02:18 PM (3832 Views)
I couldn't' get all the pictures on one post so I split them up. Here is the continuation.
Across the way from Monty's , the Minnesota Herp Society has a display of native herps in the DNR building. I usually get some free tickets every year because I usually sign up to check on the animals to make sure water is filled and the displays are clean. I didn't do it this year though because I didn't know for sure if I was going to be able to make it.
Timber Rattler, this guy has been out at the fair more years then I have.
All the milk you can drink for a buck... I remember back when it was only a quarter.
My favorite places at the fair are the livestock barns, I'm not much for the rides but I love looking at the animals. Here are some goats, there were a LOT of 'dwaft nubians' on display this year.
and of course you have to check out the weird looking chickens,
And the more normal looking ones
But my favorite is the 'miracle of birth' pavilion where they have all the newborns that were born or hatched during the fair. The chick on the right hatched while I was watching. Just a sudden pop and there he was. An interesting difference from snakes that like to take their own sweet time.
Baby pigs not more then a few days old
Lamb getting a drink
This calf was born just moments before I got there, it's interesting watching the mother licking the calf to clean it up.
I never did get a chance to meet up with Rudd, though we exchanged a lot of text messages, maybe next year. But I had a good time anyway, Hope you enjoyed the pictures.