Great! Quitting smoking was the best decision I ever made. Next step now that your lungs are getting cleaned out - you should take up some kind of cardio exercise. Walking, swimming,'ll be amazed at how much fun it can be and how quickly you can improve.
As a fellow smoker, Robin, I know how hard it is to quit. I've come to the realization that you can not rely on others. You need to be ready to do it for yourself and no one else. Good luck, and I know I'm not ready to quit right now, but I hope that you succeed. I'll be sure to not tempt you if we ever get together.
Sounds like a lot of fun! It's awesome that you have such friends that care so much for you!
Hey Robin, congratulations on making this decision. I'd quit smoking literally hundreds of times before it finally worked and I remember that one of the hardest things to do was to set actual goals and parameters and then psych yourself up enough to get started on them. Best of luck to you, I'll be sending all the positive vibes I can your way.
Originally Posted by piper Hey, I'm on week 5 with no smoking. I'm using the nicoderm patch and it's helping a lot. This about my 6th time trying and it seems to be a lot easier this time! Good luck! Thanks for your support Piper!
Hey, I'm on week 5 with no smoking. I'm using the nicoderm patch and it's helping a lot. This about my 6th time trying and it seems to be a lot easier this time! Good luck!
Did you know your blog is set to private? It can only been seen by staff at this point. The default settings were not set well, so if you didn't adjust anything when you set this up, it came up private. I redid the default, but you'll have to change the permissions on this particular one if you want to. On a more personal note...I'm THRILLED that you're working toward this goal! I hope we can help each other get past these very strong and very real chains on our lives!