Hi guys! I'm new to this site, but have a few friends that led me here. Not to make any competition for anyone else offering hosting, but I also have a great design/hosting package for breeders. The nice thing is, I do the design, teach you how to do it, (or I can maintain, that is fine), and you pay the webhost directly. I have a host that is specifically designed for animal breeders, so this does not have to be herp related. check out our home page, and if you are interested, let me know. I keep my prices on design very low, and hosting costs are more than reasonable. With the site comes unlimited bandwidth (traffic and downloads), and online store (for animals and other merchandise), guestbooks, mailing lists, free domain name, 10 email accounts, 500 megs of web space (plenty of room for photos and pages), and the host donates 10% of their profits to rescues.
If anyone is interested, let me know for sure. My site is in my signature, and you can always email me directly from the site. I look forward to working with you!