My female fasts every winter. The first year I had her she ate through the winter, but for the last four years she has gone on strike. She will also randomly stop eating for a couple weeks here and there. But she has maintained a healthy weight so I've never worried much about it. I added a new male and switched her over from the glass tank (it was covered on three sides and the top had plastic wrap on top. She always had perfect sheds in it) to a tub heated with an UTH. I've been offering her food every week to every other week. She has been on rats but was always picky, only eating weaned to small rats. Anything bigger and she will hide. When I offer her F/T, if she doesn't hit it within 30 seconds she won't go for it. I can't find live rats that are small enough for her and I got rid of my breeders. She actually has eaten once this year, on 2-18. I left the f/t rat with her overnight and it was gone the next morning. But she hasn't done that since. Right now she is in blue, but she is thinner than she was before. This is the second time this year she is shedding. My male, who is in a tub next to her and shares a UTH eats like a pig. When she was in her tank she would let me know when she was hungry, she would come out hunting. Or she would have her head sticking out of her hide, very alert. Since moving to the tub (which still has the sides covered) she hasn't come out like she use to. The hot side is about 90, 82 on the cool side. She has shown some interest sometimes in the rats but always ends up hiding from them(f/t). I'm not sure what to do, I can't put her back into the tank she was in. But I have a smaller tank I could do temp. I'd rather not move her and stress her out.