So I searched through forum records and found this very useful article, but am wondering if there are any other tips or bits of info that could be important?

The move's to a city 5 to 7 hours away depending on traffic, will be either in a moving van or a car, and is at the end of August. I have a nearly 2 year old male bp (his hatchday is in October), who has been feeding well and appears healthy and comfortable. The plan is to feed him 7 days before the move, and to move him in a plastic container within an insulated box. The box will be on the floor out of the sun and the vehicle will have air conditioning. I have a loose terrarium thermometer I'll be keeping in the box so I can periodically check what the temperature is. He'll have some paper towel in the plastic container with him.

Is there anything you would suggest or that I'm missing? I want the move to go as smoothly as possible for Marcus.