how picky are bp's when it comes to the scent of the rat? i tried to feed my spinnerblast yesterday and he refused and balled away from it(was guessing he hit the food wall or stressed from me changing his enclosure a week and a half ago), then tonight(i know your supposed to wait a week) he was out so i figured i would fan some scent into his enclosure to see if he was interested. i used the bedding from the rat he refused and got zero reaction from him, i then tried some bedding from a rat i have(now pet cause my little girl decided she wanted to name it ha) that was in a group i fed before and he showed interest right away. so i put the rat he refused in some of that bedding then put it in the enclosure and he ate no problem which has me excited. i didn't want him to hit a wall yet lol he is usually a great eater and had me surprised. would this be something i should take into consideration every time i feed him or no?