It's been a while! And a lot has happened--my husband and I are divorcing, so I've had to move along with my three BPs. It was only across town, but they handled it like champs. The moving guys had NO IDEA what was in the big black box until I said "That's my snake rack; give me a minute to transfer them out and then you can move it." The biggest guy happened to have his hand resting on it, and he jumped back like it was on fire. "You got SNAKES in there?!" It was awesome.

They ate perfectly well the day after, all three are continuing to eat regularly, and all three have shed since we moved. I'm so proud of my boys! They're putting on good slow weight, are docile and curious, and are just loves to have around. I'm glad I got custody of them.

I'll post pictures in a bit, but wanted to update and say thanks for the great moving advice I found here!