Quote Originally Posted by Joe_Compel View Post
Not to get off topic here, but along the lines of what Tim is saying.......it might be prudent not to consolidate but to keep the sulfur and fire name tags.

Years ago I thought that black pastels should just be called cinnys so that we could keep things from getting confusing.
Now, especially after seeing many cinnys, black pastels, and crosses in person, I think it is a good thing that the different name tags stuck. To me, even though they look similar, some pewters made with a black pastel look distinctly different than pewters made with a cinny. IMO more work needs to be done with these two morphs and ALL the white snake combos to figure out exactly how things work......things may not be as simple as they appear right now.
As Tim mentioned, first fires and sulfurs have to be bred together to be proven compatible (which in my mind will happen but I have been wrong about plenty of things ). Then those "homozygous" animals need to be bred to normals to see what is produced.......then we will start to get some answers.
What if fires and sulfurs end up being alleles rather than two lines of the same exact mutation?

Just food for thought......

Spot on! This is how I view the situation as well. Unfortunately the original breeder let the project leak before any of this had been done. I feel it is ethical to refer to this as a fire from both the sulfur and Flame Hypo standpoint! At this point in time everything is the same. I believe the Flame Hypo has been bred with the Davies fire. When we can prove that the sulfur is indeed it's own mutation or an allele of the fire we then can add extra tags to the baggage.