Gah! I'm sooooo pissed right now. I just got off the phone with my dad, and he won't let me keep a snake at his house. My buddy has a red tail boa that he has no clue how to take care of, and doesn'y really care anymore. I went over to his apartment for the first time a few days ago, and I saw the snake in a 40gal, with no substrate, no hides, and no uth. The only things he has in the tank are a waterbowl, a fake vine which the boa usually hides in, and an overhead lamp (not big enough to heat the tank). Even for all this, the snake looked good, and was very calm when I handled it, and took it outside for some sun. I fell in love with her, so he said he'd give her to me, if I bought the tank and everything from him for 75$. So now here's the deal. I've lived with my grandma for the last 6 months, ever since I moved home from school. My grandpa died a few years ago, so it's nice for her having someone around. Also, I save about a grand a month not having to pay rent or utilities. But, of course she is petrified of snakes, so I ask my dad if I can keep the snake at his house. Not even in his house, just in the garage. He says no outright, without even hearing me out. Then tells me to give him a few days to think about it. He calls this morning and says no! He's afraid the snake will get out and the neighbors will call the cops, or it will hurt his dog or something stupid like that. It's a juvi boa, I would probably only be keeping her there until I moved back out in 9 months or so, so that's impossible. I'd be more afraid of the dog killing her, though I think she would be too scared to get close. And the neighbors calling the cops is just stupid. It's not like keeping a boa is illegal! Plus, I would never ever let her escape, I know what I'm doing. And I go over there every day to feed and walk his dog, since he is out of town till june. It just gets me soooooo upset how dumb people can be about snakes!!!!!!!!!!!
