Someone not long back did a graph of their snake growth, which I thought was an excellent idea. I'm a visual kind of person, so a graph means more to me than just the weights I record. I started a graph that charts my snakes' monthly weight.

Anyway, I switched my rodent feeder supplier around September 2007. Looking at my weight graphs, all of my snakes have had a significantly higher rate of growth/weight gain from starting in October to present than in the six months prior to my switching my supplier. They've leveled off in December, but I'm chalking that up to a disruption in their feeding schedule due to my being out of town quite a bit for the holidays.

Common sense, of course, tells me that the more nutritious food I feed the more robust my snakes will be, however I was curious if anyone else has found that changing where they get feeders has made such a dramatic difference.

Not sure if I'm posting this in the correct forum, please move if it belongs elsewhere.