I feel like I post asking for help a lot, but I have anxiety and my snakes love to make me worry.

We had a stressful couple of days (long story) for Red Bean at the start of this month. I have a curtain I installed in front of the area their cages are in and that usually gives them privacy, plus the other 3 sides of their cages are solid PVC. Red Bean gets stressed easily and I had to take the curtain down for a few days.

In this time he refused to go in his hides and liked to sit behind the hide, but visible to me which was weird since I would think if he was stressed he’d hide more. I checked his hides to see if he pooped in them but nope. I got the curtain back up but he continued doing this, and now multiple times I have caught him soaking in his dish. I checked him for mites, checked the water each time, never saw any mites. Idk if it would be worth the stress to soak him to see there’s any mites, but this has been for a while now and all of my other snakes are acting normal and the cages are stacked so I would think the mites would have travelled. This has actually happened a couple times with my other snakes, a long time ago, where they freaked me out by soaking when they had never done it before. But never for this long.

Is it possible 80°F is too warm for him? This would explain the soaking but not the sitting out in the open since I actually had to have his heat panel off while the curtain was down. I have no idea why it’s that warm and just adjusted the thermostat, it sucks because I have a herpstat 4 and pro heat panels but I can never seem to keep the temperatures consistent. No idea why it’s this warm because it’s winter and his hot side now won’t get over 85°. Normally it’s about 75-78° on the cold side even when the hot side is 88-90°. The only other thing I can think of is too low humidity, but his humidity gauge broke so I can’t measure it right this second. However, I have tested the humidity in my room multiple times and it’s usually around 40%, so I’d imagine being a PVC cage it would be at least this amount.

He is eating fine. The only reason any of this worries me is because it’s not normal for him. He is usually in his hides during the day and exploring at night.