I have been looking a lot into getting a crested gecko recently, but I have a question regarding its enclosure. I've heard bioactive set-ups are great at keeping the terrarium clean, they can even start to make the own eco-system and just overall just looks really nice, but to make a bioactive enclosure, do I have to add springtails and isopods? I know they are a big part in keeping the terrarium clean, since after all, they are the main cleanup crew, but in all honesty, I really just can't stand to touch or hold any kid of bugs. Don't get me wrong, bugs are a big part in creation, and God made them Himself with a purpose, but I personally don't like touching them. I don't kill bugs when I see them, but its just that I don't want to have springtails jumping in the enclosure and isopods on my crestie when I go to get It out. So do I have to add springtails and isopods to make a bioactive set-up?