I have 37 beardie eggs in a Reptibator right now. I have a digital ZooMed temp gauge with the probe inside one of the egg containers, it is showing 80.6 degrees. I have a digital Acurite combo temp/humidity gauge sitting inside the Reptibator which is showing 83 degrees and 62% humidity (I just checked on the eggs which is why it's low, normally it's higher). The Reptibator is set to 87 and is showing 51% relative humidity.

This is my first time incubating anything, and I'm worried temps might be too cold and not humid enough if the ZooMed and Reptibator gauges are accurate. I was hoping for a middle ground that will give me a mix of males and females.

The eggs all look fine save for 2 which are starting to dimple, but there were two that I didn't see an embryo in, so it could be those two. In my haste to get the eggs incubated, I failed to mark the two possibly unfertilized eggs.

I don't know which temp gauge to trust more. Help?