They're very skittish and stress easily. They spend 99.9% of their time hiding. Their defense is to play dead so while it may sit calmly in your hand that doesn't mean it's happy there. They like things moist and spend a lot of time in the water bowl, especially if you give them leaf cover over the bowl. Sphagnum moss is your friend when keeping these guys. A lot of people use cork bark with them but ceramic decor will not mold and in their high humidity environment, I always preferred the ceramic. They don't need a UV bulb as they are nocturnal and spend the day under log pieces. They need some form of ambient heat so I used flexwatt tape on the side of the enclosure when I had mine. They're pretty easy to care for and I love their shy personalities. I would definitely recommend them. They will appreciate a waterfall feature in their enclosure if you have the room for it. In the wild they are often found under leaf litter near small bodies of moving water.