I've been using the Big Apple rodent cages because they have silent water bottles and they're fairly escape proof and easy to transport.

The soft furs love to climb upside down on the lid. One of the pregnant females apparently got her foot caught between the wires. I freed her as quickly and gently as I could, but the underside of her belly was pretty bloody, and there is a toe stuck between the wires still.

Should I separate her and try to do something? Right now she's exhausted and resting with the other soft furs. I feel like it might do more harm than good to try and intervene since the soft furs are only accustomed to minimal human interaction.

Worried that I might stress her out, and that my limited knowledge of rodent first aid won't be enough to balance that out. Also worried that separation would cause more stress, since they're such social little animals.

This is the second time I've had an injury occur because of these cages. The first time was a regular rat, and the injury was very similar (foot caught between wires) but it wasn't nearly as severe.