First let me just say, i am not a personal trainer/doctor/nutritionist/ or anything like that. I am just a regular guy hoping this may help someone because it helped me.
Most people want to lose weight, but dont have the motivation to go to the gym everyday, go running, or do some physical activity after a long day at work, or do those home workout tapes. losing weight causes you to push yourself, and not quit on yourself. I will give you a little background on my self and tell you how i have already lost 10 lbs in less than a month, without going to the gym, or having some crazy diet.
i am 22 year old male, i work in a warehouse while i am still in school. i work anywhere from 7-9 hours during the week(tues-thur), 7-12 hours on fridays, and 15-20 hours on saturdays. the warehouse i work in adds around 10-15 degrees to the outside temp(aka 90 outside 100-105 inside the warehouse).
one day i was getting new shoes in the nike store at the mall by my house and i was talking to my friend(who works there), and i saw the Nike fuelband on his wrist. i asked him what it is and he told me all about it. I was hooked, i wanted one so badly, but with a price tag of $150 it was a little steep(for what i though was just a cool exercise gadget). i told my gf i wanted one and she said it is just a waste of money and it will do nothing. i did what most people do and didn't listen to her. i ordered it online and got it a week later. soon as she saw it she said "you just love wasting money one useless stuff dont you". i told her if this thing helped me lose just 5 lbs it is well worth the price tag.
to go along with my new fuelband i downloaded a app for my iphone called lose it. it lets you program everything you eat for the day and gives you a calorie intake for the day, that will help you lose __ amount of lbs by ___ date. mine is set to lose 1.5 lbs each week.after the first day of useing the fuel band and my lose it app i was hooked. you set a goal for yourself and you have to try to complete it. simple right. well it is when you have a job like mine i hit my goal(3500 fuel) by just doing my job at work, which is lifting heavy boxes all day long. so i have this fuel band on my wrist for wed-sat and i am completing my goals like there is no tomorrow, i am beating my goal by 1000-2000 fuel, each day. all while i am monitoring what i eat, and no, i was not taking fruit salad to work every day. i was taking pasta,chicken, and anything else i wanted to eat for lunch. So sunday comes around and it is my feeding/cleaning the reptile room day. around 5:30 pm i finish everything up, and check my fuelband to see how much fuel i gained. my fuel was reading 1200. i realize i have a few hours left in the day to get the 2000+ fuel i need to reach my goal. this is where the fuelband motivates you to lose weight if your like me and cant not reach your goal. i went for a run(1.1 miles), took the dog for a walk(1.1miles), and did pushups, sit ups, and did a few curls with my dumbbells. i still need 700 more fuel, i grab my 10 lbs dumbbells and go in my back yard and start shadow boxing for 20 mins just so i can reach my goal. i am covered in sweat, but i reached my goal, and that is all that matters. and it has been this way for a month now(28 days) since i started using my fuelband and lose it app, since i have off sunday and monday, so those days i have to push myself 10x harder just to reach my goal, and at the end of those days i am happy with myself because i earned all the fuel for the day.
Be careful tho, the fuelband will not work unless you push yourself to reach your goal, and give no excuses why you couldnt reach it(example:tired from work). yes it is a big price tag for the fuelband(the app is free), but if you look at it like i did, and it helps you lose 5+ lbs it is worth every penny.Now soon as i wake up, i put my fuelband on and get ready for the day,. i try to beat my record for that day(mon,tues etc.) each and every single day. sometime i do sometimes i dont, but i always make sure i complete my fuel need for the day, and that is why i have lost 10 lbs so far and have no plan on turning back. i hope this helps someone because after my friend showed me his, and he lost 2 lbs, by using it for 2 weeks, i decided i should pass on how the fuelband can motivate you, by losing weight with out some crazy diet/work out plan.
if you have any questions about the app, or the fuelband PM me and i will be gladly to help you.
forgot to mention you can sync the fuelband with your iphone and it tells you how much fuel you have done for the day, a graph for your most active time for the day, and a bunch of other cool things(like little trophies everytime you hit a goal).
hope this helps just one person.