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  1. Day Fourteen

    by , 09-13-2010 at 12:19 AM (Judy's Weightloss Journey)

    Another lazy Sunday flies by. Bought a couple of inexpensive recliners to go into our basement theater room. Can't wait to finally get that room set up! It's the last little bit of unpacking to do...a few boxes of books and misc junk...then some furniture to build and arrange. And we need to buy a receiver to hook up to the projector and satellite feed. Once we get that last piece in, we'll have a full 7 ...
  2. My Desert / Mojave clutch

    The most anticipated clutch of ours this year. The Desert / Mojave clutch was due to hatch 9-14-2010. So on Wednesday, six days early. Theresa, my number one gal around here, and I decided to take a peek. I don't usually cut eggs early. I figure they have been coming out on there own for hundreds of years, and know when it's the right time. But Theresa would not be back for several days and this clutch, we were both so excited about.

    You should have seen us. We were sitting ...
  3. Day Thirteen

    by , 09-11-2010 at 10:51 AM (Judy's Weightloss Journey)

    Yeah...I missed a day. I didn't mean to. I can't say I forgot to post it, because I did think about it...and then procrastinated on doing it with the genuine intention of working on it later. And THEN I forgot. It did get me to thinking though...that there IS a downside to a rigidly daily blog. It's like watching a plant grow. Every day starts to feel like all the other days. Eventually, ...
  4. ‎"To selll...or not to sell...?"

    ‎"To selll...or not to sell...?" that is the question. Any other breeders suffer with this? I have produced a BEL and 3 very nice Pieds that I need to sell, I'm also holding onto a couple Mojos and Cinnies, YB, Lesser, Butter, Bee, Enchi, all females. I need to put some of these guys up but want to KEEP THEM ALL!! Any other breeders suffer from this compultion?????
  5. Day Eleven

    by , 09-09-2010 at 02:20 PM (Judy's Weightloss Journey)

    I guess this is where things start getting a bit more personal...and the power of the blog will either make itself useful...or will blow up in my face. I don't want to be maudlin. The last thing I want to do is come out and whine about "how hard" everything is or "how tired" I am, or how I "don't feel like it". my teenage daughter would say.