Quote Originally Posted by beez View Post
i figure with a temp gradient they'll hang out in different spots anyway. the baby chondro pretty much only hangs out up top. i really havent seen anyone do it but is it really that bad of an idea to put two species in the same enclosure even with sufficient space? ive got a 4x2x2 i plan on finishing that will probably e used in the future.
yes, it is a terrible idea... there are so many things that can go wrong...

the biggest issue is that the Bredli needs it much hotter than the GTP does plus the humidity/daily misting for the GTP really isn't great for the bredli.

then there is stress on both parties, one could eat the other, they would compete for the best spots (bredli are semi arboreal so they do climb if perches are available), size difference, etc... the list goes on and on