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  1. #91
    BPnet Veteran alohareptiles's Avatar
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    Re: Bad shed? No problem.

    I just had 2 bad shed from my BP's for some reason...Wasn't happy with it at all..But this method really worked great...I had one just like the post a little bit ago with the remnants on the head of my spider...I just put an extra wash cloth in there and tried to make gaps for her to slide around and under...And bingo she when under the washcloth a couple times and I saw the skin just dangling by her side...I was wayyyyy happy...But then again, I was probably way lucky too...Good luck...
    I'm FedEx Certified...
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  2. #92
    BPnet Veteran BAD Morphs's Avatar
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    Re: Bad shed? No problem.

    What about eye caps?? As mine has one and can't seem to get it off for nothing. I have tried a few tricks but still nothing. I tried soaking and then a q tip. I have tried soaking then scotch tape and it seems like it is stuck in the eye socket?? Any suggestions? He is about to shed again soon will this one come off with the new one??

  3. #93
    Wally Bait tigerlily's Avatar
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    Re: Bad shed? No problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLong7211 View Post
    What about eye caps?? As mine has one and can't seem to get it off for nothing. I have tried a few tricks but still nothing. I tried soaking and then a q tip. I have tried soaking then scotch tape and it seems like it is stuck in the eye socket?? Any suggestions? He is about to shed again soon will this one come off with the new one??
    Brian from Snakebytes recommended using one of those rubber thumbs to gently wipe them off. I'd soak first and then try that.

    But to clarify are you sure it's a retained eyecap and not a dented (dehydrated) eyecap? Sometimes if the humidity is too low the eyecap will look wrinkled and it's a hydration problem and not a retained eyecap.
    Reptile Geek

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  4. #94
    Registered User amaurer2's Avatar
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    Re: Bad shed? No problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by tigerlily View Post
    I thought I would try and make a visual step by step guide for soaking, since this problem comes up quite frequently. It is possible to contribute to a bad shed by soaking prior to the actual shed. These steps should be taken after the shed has failed to come off. If the snake has not managed to complete it's shed after 24 hours, then it's okay to help it out.

    Step 1 - Start with a bad shed. They're really not a big deal, and happen to everyone. Just double check your husbandry that you are providing 50-60% humidity, and 70% during the shed cycle.

    Step 2 - Grab a container (mine is a shoebox sized rubbermaid) and fill the container with tepid (luke warm) water to 1/2 to 3/4 the "height" of your snake. You do NOT want the snake to have to swim constantly.

    I throw in a old wash cloth as well, and then use it later to help remove shed. This part is not necessary.

    Step 3 - Put snake in the container.

    Step 4 - Put lid on. (There are no holes in this container, and aren't necessary as the container is NOT air tight and we will only be leaving the snake in here for ONLY a hour - no more!) Once the snake is secured in the container, place the whole setup back into the enclosure whether it's in a rack or tank. (I just happen to have a rack) Let soak 45 - 60 minutes.

    Step 5 - After 60 minutes remove the container and snake. I use the washcloth, and let the snake slide through it to remove the shed. You can use whatever is handy.

    Step 6 - A happy, well shed snake. If you were not able to get all the shed off in this attempt. Wait 24 hours and try again until all shed is gone. (which should not take more than a couple attemtps)

    I did this and it works. However, we all know how head shy BP's can be and mines no different. That's the only place that the shed didn't come off. Any suggestions to get the skin off of his head?

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  6. #95
    Wally Bait tigerlily's Avatar
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    Re: Bad shed? No problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by amaurer2 View Post
    I did this and it works. However, we all know how head shy BP's can be and mines no different. That's the only place that the shed didn't come off. Any suggestions to get the skin off of his head?
    Head shy or not, I just gently rub off any shed the same as I would any other place. Sometimes it's just a bit harder and takes a bit more determination.

    Brian from BHB had a great tip of using a 'rubber thumb' to help get off any extra shed.

    If it's not covering the eye and is only just a small bit of retained shed, you could always wait and see if it comes off with the next shed as well.
    Reptile Geek

    Cause when push comes to shove you taste what you're made of
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    On your knees you look up decide you've had enough
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  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to tigerlily For This Useful Post:

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  8. #96
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    Re: Bad shed? No problem.

    Thank you so much for this. I just got my first ball python about a month ago, and this really helped with his first shed [:

  9. #97
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    Re: Bad shed? No problem.

    nice post

  10. #98
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    Re: Bad shed? No problem.

    Wow - what a Godsend this thread is. Here I am... first BP... second shed. First shed he did like a champ. This one ... nope. He had blue eyes last thursday. I've been waiting and waiting for the shed. This morning I found his head piece (with both eye caps in it - thank heaven for something good). Shed hanging off at his neck. He's not able to get it started. I can see him trying - his little hide a hut is moving and moving all over the tank with him in it. But his little head right above where the shed is stuck is getting duller and duller - like he's just rubbing and rubbing to get it going and can't. There's a few bits and pieces on the ground along with lots of what look to be 'single' scales.

    My question is.. do I really need to wait 24 hours before giving him help? Or would it be OK to set up a soak box this afternoon and help him along?

  11. #99
    in evinco persecutus dr del's Avatar
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    Re: Bad shed? No problem.


    If he is still trying to remove it you could try helping him a bit by giving him (and his enclosure) a light misting. You don't want to go so far that it is wet or anything just a light spray to see if it helps loosen the edge up for him.

    dr del

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  12. #100
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    Re: Bad shed? No problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by dr del View Post

    If he is still trying to remove it you could try helping him a bit by giving him (and his enclosure) a light misting. You don't want to go so far that it is wet or anything just a light spray to see if it helps loosen the edge up for him.

    dr del

    Thanks for the tip. I tried that for him and he still seemed to be struggling, so I did the whole soak box and washcloth. Needed my Staples 'Easy' button when I was done with that. He slithered right thru the washcloth in my hand and everything came off like a charm.

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