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Bad shed? No problem.
I thought I would try and make a visual step by step guide for soaking, since this problem comes up quite frequently. It is possible to contribute to a bad shed by soaking prior to the actual shed. These steps should be taken after the shed has failed to come off. If the snake has not managed to complete it's shed after 24 hours, then it's okay to help it out.
Step 1 - Start with a bad shed. They're really not a big deal, and happen to everyone. Just double check your husbandry that you are providing 50-60% humidity, and 70% during the shed cycle.

Step 2 - Grab a container (mine is a shoebox sized rubbermaid) and fill the container with tepid (luke warm) water to 1/2 to 3/4 the "height" of your snake. You do NOT want the snake to have to swim constantly.

I throw in a old wash cloth as well, and then use it later to help remove shed. This part is not necessary.

Step 3 - Put snake in the container.

Step 4 - Put lid on. (There are no holes in this container, and aren't necessary as the container is NOT air tight and we will only be leaving the snake in here for ONLY a hour - no more!) Once the snake is secured in the container, place the whole setup back into the enclosure whether it's in a rack or tank. (I just happen to have a rack) Let soak 45 - 60 minutes.

Step 5 - After 60 minutes remove the container and snake. I use the washcloth, and let the snake slide through it to remove the shed. You can use whatever is handy.

Step 6 - A happy, well shed snake. If you were not able to get all the shed off in this attempt. Wait 24 hours and try again until all shed is gone. (which should not take more than a couple attemtps)
Reptile Geek
Cause when push comes to shove you taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand
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Re: Bad shed? No problem.
When you've got 10,000 people trying to do the same thing, why would you want to be number 10,001? ~ Mark Cuban "for the discerning collector"
Re: Bad shed? No problem.
Excellent post Christie. I remember how unsure I was the first time I had to soak a snake and how much great help I got here at BPNet. Even better now though that you've provided the pictorial.
The Following User Says Thank You to frankykeno For This Useful Post:
Re: Bad shed? No problem.
Christie...This is really good. We should get one of the Admins to Sticky it so everyone can refer to it when needed.
Great Job.
The Following User Says Thank You to lord jackel For This Useful Post:
Registered User
Re: Bad shed? No problem.
Great pic tutorial Christine
1.0.0 bp Zeke, 2.0.0 chihuahuas- Paco and Peanut, 2.0.0 cresties Chomper and Harley, 0.2.0 rat Snow and Baby 0.2.0 cats-Billie and Bell, 0.1.0 rose tarantula-Rosie,0.1.0 Leopard Gecko-Pebbles, RIP Speedy
BPnet Veteran
Re: Bad shed? No problem.
Great tutorial it will come in handy for many people.
"I can't even spell spaghetti never mind talk Italian. How could I tell an Italian to get the ball? He might grab mine." Brian Clough
1.0.0 Normal BP Havok
BPnet Veteran
Re: Bad shed? No problem.
I was really just going to ask about this My girl hasn't shed yet, but I wanted to know, just in case. Thanks for beating me to it!! ^_^
~ Shannon
1.2 normal bp ~ Lilly (06) ~ Delilah (09) ~ Joey (06)
1.0 cinnamon bp ~ Doughnut (08)
1.0 mojave bp ~ Jay (08)
0.1 pastel bp ~ Patsy (09)
2.0 cats ~ Lil Bit (08) ~ Toby (08)
Re: Bad shed? No problem.
Thanks everyone. Just trying to help out.
Reptile Geek
Cause when push comes to shove you taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand
Re: Bad shed? No problem.
Great tutorial Christie! This will definitely help out a lot of people looking for info on how to help a bp loose it's stuck shed!
Re: Bad shed? No problem.
- AWESOME job Ms. Christie!
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to rabernet For This Useful Post:
Carrie Beth (12-09-2016),waffledacat (10-20-2014),xxsarahxx (07-05-2016)
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