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Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
Hi, I actully set up till 2 a.m. with her. She started the process before I went to bed and I sat up and watched her. It was really neat to watch! Thanks for the info.
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
Excellent information!! My first ever BP, Xena is about to have her first shed (well since I've had her, anyway) and she just went into the clearing up stage. Which is why I was looking up more shedding info. Did not know about this stage. Thanks alot for the great post.
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
I agree. This is the first time I've had my snake in his shedding process.
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
So do you feed your snake during the shedding process? And is it ok if he doesn't move around much like normally?
Re: The Shedding Process
I don't feed during shed. But if you want (and your snake wants to eat) go for it. I like to give my snakes a break from feeding and shed time is the perfect time.
They normally don't move much druing shed time. Don't worry.
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
My snake is going through his first shed, I went to change his water tonight and I removed his hide to see how he was doing, and I noticed 2 pieces of skin in there and he got scared and put his head under him. I put his hide back on and changed his water. So i'm not supposed to hold him I take it? I'm glad to see that his eyes are pure black, as they have been cloudy since ive gotten him. Since he didn't shed in one piece, does that mean that he is in critical condition?
Re: The Shedding Process
Not at all.
As long as he gets all the skin off I wouldn't really pay attention to how many pieces it is in.
Is his humidity high enough for him to shed ok?
dr del
7 adult Royals (2.5), 1.0 COS Pastel, 1.0 Enchi, 1.1 Lesser platty Royal python, 1.1 Black pastel Royal python, 0.1 Blue eyed leucistic ( Super lesser), 0.1 Piebald Royal python, 1.0 Sinaloan milk snake 1.0 crested gecko and 1 bad case of ETS. no wife, no surprise.
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
I don't know the exact humidity, but he has been staying on the cool side of the tank in his hide, and its the first time ive ever seen this- all of the fir bark substrate was pushed out of the way and he was just laying on the glass when I removed his hide.
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
hey danny, i didnt read all of the process yet, but what should the humidy and temp be for my baby ball when shedding? she is in the stage of eyes tenting blue.
BPnet Veteran
Re: The Shedding Process
Sorry if it was posted already, but I cant get the pics to show. In firefox, there is just blank space. In internet explorer there is the red x image boxes, but when I click on them or right click to show pic, it doesnt come up.
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